I don't know what makes me procrastinate writing my book so much. I mean, writing was so much fun yesterday! I just sat for a couple hours and let the story unfold itself. It was great.
Of course, I am trying to write Imazia back from the beginning. Trying to start the whole thing anew. Maybe I'm worried that I won't get it right the first time, so I put it off for more "important" things. But perhaps I ought to remember that writing isn't supposed to be perfect. Not at first, anyway. That's what editing is for. ^_^ And anyway, who knows how long it took for some of my favorite author heroes to get their books the way they wanted them?
From now on, I'm going to try my best to write a little bit every day. And trust me, it'll be my very best. I'll even write on the weekends!
Edit: Oh, by the way, it slipped my mind before. Last Tuesday I gave my second ever Toastmaster speech. It was pretty okay. I was really nervous, and I don't like how I sounded in the video that was taken of it, so I won't post it. Still, I thought it was worth mentioning. ^_^