My first ever image. (Much thanks goes to J.N. Future Author, for making it possible.)

My second. I kept it for a long time. It's neat.
Third. (Didn't last long, mostly because it didn't work. It's probably not working as we speak, right? Well, it's a photo of cherry blossoms, if you must know. If you right-click on it and choose "open image in new tab," you can see it.)
Fourth. Kept this for quite a while as well.
My fifth one. I liked it a little. It kind of represented my individuality. (Same as #3)
For some reason the last background stopped working, so I made it look like this. Really pretty and cute.

And yes, I chose these backgrounds because I happen to like pink very, very much. ^_^
Now down below we have the next chapter, or phase, of my background changing. These are my professional Template Designer backgrounds. First I went with a pink kind of ambiance, as usual.

After a few months of orange though, I really felt the itch to go back to my pink roots. The Template Designer didn't have exactly the background I was looking for, so I found a nice image (shown below)

And yes, I chose these backgrounds because I happen to like pink very, very much. ^_^
Now down below we have the next chapter, or phase, of my background changing. These are my professional Template Designer backgrounds. First I went with a pink kind of ambiance, as usual.
But then I thought, why not make my background really look like magic? So I changed it again, this time to orange swirls. Really nice, don't you think?

After a few months of orange though, I really felt the itch to go back to my pink roots. The Template Designer didn't have exactly the background I was looking for, so I found a nice image (shown below)
and dove into the html, like I used to in the good old days. ^_^
When 2011 started, I made the resolution to change my layout every 2 months, just to spice things up. ^_^ So here are my background images:
Jan. '11 --- Mar. '11
Mar. '11 --- Mid-Apr. '11
Mid-Apr. '11 --- December '11
Okay, looks like I didn't keep that resolution. Here is my new background for the year!
Decemeber '11 ---_______