Hi! Did you guys miss me? ^_~ I probably didn't give you that much time to miss me. The entire road-trip took about 30 or so hours...
Yeah, can you believe it? From Florida to Massachusetts in just 30 hours! Even better, we had all the stuff we were taking (clothes, shoes, computers, food for the trip, even a guitar!) packed in the trunk of a VW Beetle. "Impossible!" you may say. Not with a family like mine, it's not. ^_^
To prove it, may I present these pictures (that I took) of the car being slowly un-packed.
Despite how crowded it looks in the back, it was actually really comfortable in the cabin of the car, which is probably a first. 0,o Even with the guitar in there, this is less than what we usually pack for Boston.
What a trip! The two things I remember doing most was sleeping a lot, and driving a lot. When I was awake I would bop my head to music, write some poetry (you can see my first 2 poems on my blog, Maggie's Poetry Corner. They were both heavily influenced by being in the car for so long) and think excitedly about what I would do first when we arrived in Boston again. But the rest of the time, I was either out like a candle in the backseat, or putting in some serious driving hours!
I drove more on this trip than any other, since I learned to drive. Probably about 6 hours in total, and most all of it was done at night! Yep. I am proud to say that I took on the graveyard shift. ^_^ Really, it was nothing. Despite how much I slept, it seems like whenever I'm behind the wheel, I can't possibly get tired. Well, I did have awesome rock music to help keep me awake, but I'm sure I could have done the job even without it.
My dad was a hero on this trip. A real trooper. In addition to all the driving he did (he usually takes the bulk of it), he stayed awake in the shotgun seat while Annette and I drove, to make sure we didn't take a wrong exit or crash or anything. This means he got very little sleeping done, except for a little bit when our mom drove. After driving more than ever before, I can truly appreciate what he puts himself through every year. Thank you so much, Dad. You're the best! ^_~
Now we're in Boston! I'm so excited to be here. I spent my first couple years of life in this apartment, and I've been coming here with my family nearly every summer since the beginning of the millennium. I have so many incredible memories here. I can't wait to start making some all-new ones. ^_^
Catch you guys later! ^_~

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