Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting over it...

Though I'm still very upset about our hamster, Hazel, passing away, I know that the world won't stop spinning, and I'll eventually have to move on. Better it be sooner than later. Besides, I still have sooo much planning to do...
Our plane trip for Boston is on Tuesday morning, so that's only 4 days from now. Okay, 5 if you count today. I need to think about what we'll need to pack, where we'll go when we're there. Oh, you want to hear a funny thing? My mom told me that one of the homeschooling families, Tamara and her 3 girls Arianna, Kailen and Toni-ann, are also going to Boston, coincidentally on the same flight as Annette and me! So I think that's pretty darn awesome! Now we won't be all by ourselves for those 3 hours.

Anyway, we've started setting up a schedule for ourselves for the different colleges we want to visit and check out when we're there. Emerson, UMass, some Leslie art institute (forget the name, sorry), Boston University. Perhaps we'll think of more later, but it's plain to see that we're gonna be veeeery busy!

I've had an idea that I'll stop writing here for the couple weeks I'm gone and start writing a brand new blog that will be special for my travels. I can write very detailed posts about every day and not worry about being prolific for my readers, because it's mostly going to be for my benefit. Of course, you guys are free to read my adventures if you feel like it. If you want to know how I'm doing, that's what you'll have to do...

I wonder if I'll have enough time to read everyone else's blogs when I'm having so much fun? Maybe I'll get them on Reader like Q does...

As well as blogging frequently, I've promised my parents that we'll be in touch every day. We don't have cell-phones, but we'll still email them, maybe Google Chat, or Skype, if we can get it to work.

Today I'm gonna go shop for some stuff with my mom and sister. Oh man, and I need to write a card for my dad! It's nearly Father's Day! Sorry I'm in such a rush, but I can only stay a while longer, and I need some lunch in me!

1 comment:

Q said...

Reader is awesome! I love it.