My twin and I will be flying up, by ourselves, to the apartment our parents rent out to college students, and staying for 16 days. All on our own! We only reserved the flight tickets today. I have been excited for this thing for a long time, but now it's like it's actually happening. And it is! Well, at least in another week.
I'm very anxious, because this will be a big leap of independence for me and my sister. Over two weeks to fend for ourselves. In a big city. No parents, no brother... but then I think of how much fun it's going to be! I just love Boston! We go almost every summer, to find new tenants. It's going to be sooo much fun visiting our favorite haunts, and doing whatever we want at the same time! It's definitely going to be a unique experience for us. For one thing, we'll have to shop for food or decide where to go out for our meals. (No mom to cook for us up there. Wah!)
Needless to say, this trip is no small expense. The airplane tickets cost a lot, and we'll need enough money to last us two weeks. We withdrew all the savings we had in our bank accounts. (Don't worry. I've got plenty left in my personal spending money.) Sometimes I feel a little guilty about us going, since it's so money depleting.
I've sure been thinking some pretty deep thoughts today, wondering what the point of it all is...
Not just this, but also life in general...
I don't know how I'm going to be able to stand this week. ~,~ Yes Man (finally got it in dvd form after seeing it in the theater so long ago. Remember?), Being John Malkovitch, and Ballet Shoes. I'll talk more about Ballet Shoes in just a moment. As soon as we got home, my mom said she'd found this job for Annette and I on Craigslist. This toy store, the Gifted Child, a place we used to go to loads of times as a young one, posted for help wanted. So we got in the car and went to see the guy who ran it, an old friend, only to find out that the store is closed on Mondays. No one was there. Drat. Don't worry. Now I'm looking forward to going tomorrow, to see if we can get some work for after we get back from our trip. It'll be good earning some money, especially since we'll be spending a lot of it very soon.
This movie was absolutely remarkable. I loved watching it so much, and not just because it starred Emma Watson (who everyone knows globally as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films). The story was really, really good and inspiring, and basically something that was perfect for me to see at this time in my life. What's funny is that the movie also had a couple other Harry Potter actors, such as the guy who plays Mr. Dursley (Richard Griffiths) and the woman who is Madame Pomfrey (Genna Jones, I believe).
The extra features in the dvd were awesome too. There's a 20 minute interview with Emma, which I loved almost as much as the movie itself. She's such a brilliant person. ^_^ Hearing her talk the whole time, about her experience in the movie, how it was different from Potter, what her fellow actors were like, was simply fascinating.
There was also an excerpt from the audio book of the novel Ballet Shoes, which the movie was based on. It sounds very good. I'd like to read it in the future. I wonder if the book is better, or if the movie is. Hey, isn't it funny that Emma Watson has only acted in movies that were previously books? Potter, Despereaux, and now this! I see a pattern forming...
He he. Anyway, time for me to log off. Adam wants us to see Yes Man. Talk to ya later!
I'm very anxious, because this will be a big leap of independence for me and my sister. Over two weeks to fend for ourselves. In a big city. No parents, no brother... but then I think of how much fun it's going to be! I just love Boston! We go almost every summer, to find new tenants. It's going to be sooo much fun visiting our favorite haunts, and doing whatever we want at the same time! It's definitely going to be a unique experience for us. For one thing, we'll have to shop for food or decide where to go out for our meals. (No mom to cook for us up there. Wah!)
Needless to say, this trip is no small expense. The airplane tickets cost a lot, and we'll need enough money to last us two weeks. We withdrew all the savings we had in our bank accounts. (Don't worry. I've got plenty left in my personal spending money.) Sometimes I feel a little guilty about us going, since it's so money depleting.
I've sure been thinking some pretty deep thoughts today, wondering what the point of it all is...
Not just this, but also life in general...
I don't know how I'm going to be able to stand this week. ~,~ Yes Man (finally got it in dvd form after seeing it in the theater so long ago. Remember?), Being John Malkovitch, and Ballet Shoes. I'll talk more about Ballet Shoes in just a moment. As soon as we got home, my mom said she'd found this job for Annette and I on Craigslist. This toy store, the Gifted Child, a place we used to go to loads of times as a young one, posted for help wanted. So we got in the car and went to see the guy who ran it, an old friend, only to find out that the store is closed on Mondays. No one was there. Drat. Don't worry. Now I'm looking forward to going tomorrow, to see if we can get some work for after we get back from our trip. It'll be good earning some money, especially since we'll be spending a lot of it very soon.

The extra features in the dvd were awesome too. There's a 20 minute interview with Emma, which I loved almost as much as the movie itself. She's such a brilliant person. ^_^ Hearing her talk the whole time, about her experience in the movie, how it was different from Potter, what her fellow actors were like, was simply fascinating.
There was also an excerpt from the audio book of the novel Ballet Shoes, which the movie was based on. It sounds very good. I'd like to read it in the future. I wonder if the book is better, or if the movie is. Hey, isn't it funny that Emma Watson has only acted in movies that were previously books? Potter, Despereaux, and now this! I see a pattern forming...
He he. Anyway, time for me to log off. Adam wants us to see Yes Man. Talk to ya later!
Good morning: Wow, Mazal Tov on getting your tickets & heading N./ Bettina...it sounds ideal..with a pad that you know & don't have to pay for!!!
Also, good luck on the job interview at Gifted Child..I love your BLOG!!
That is SO cool! ^.^ Hurray for you! ^.^
Cooking? Psh, thats easy! If I were there, I'd just do all the cooking for you! I love cooking, and I'm good at it ^.~
2 weeks! its amazing! ^,^ have lots of fun!!! and keep posted!
Dear Bettina: Great to read about
your Boston trip with Annette!We
enjoy your blogs, and look forward
to future ones. (Of course,
it's a little more personal for us.) Stay in touch, and we'll do the same.
Much love...Grandpa.
Have fun at Boston! Tell us all about it when you get back, I've never been there. And good luck with the job thing!
I think Emma Watson is brilliant. I haven't watched Ballet Shoes yet, but I think Emma is great with the acting. She's a great role model, and a perfect Hermione! I can't wait for the next Harry Potter. . .
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