Monday, June 14, 2010

Records are meant to be broken

Last night, my family and I saw history being made. After a full day at the beach, we swung by the Embassy Suite hotel where a Guiness World Record event was taking place. Unbelievable, right?

The event was a Speech-a-thon, and District 47 of Toastmasters was attempting to break the record for longest speech event, trying to go past 80 hours. (Can you imagine? 3 straight days of speeches, day and night!)

The rules: at least 10 people had to be part of the audience (people could come and go from the room, but there had to be 10 conscious people to watch the speakers), each speech had to be a minimum of 5 minutes, and the speeches couldn't be more than 30 seconds apart from each other.

My family and I didn't give any speeches, but we were part of the audience for a good couple hours, just as it was drawing to a close. We heard probably a dozen speeches in that time, though I heard that throughout the entire event, over 300 speeches were given. Annette and I were around for the longest time, I think, because my parents and Adam wanted to watch the Celtics vs Lakers game and there was a TV in the lobby/ restaurant, but we were all there for the end.

It was really fun being there. A lot of the speeches were funny and quite educational. I laughed and learned a lot. When the clock finally ticked past 80 hours, everyone was so happy and all "Yay! Now I can sleep!" Yeah, because some people hadn't slept much for 3 straight days. 0,o We all got some group photos of the speakers, the record officials and the last audience members. So who knows? I might be in a photo that gets into the Guiness World Record book! ^_^

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