I like to think of myself as a writer. A person who loves to write. So why am I not writing?

I visited a small weekly writing group at my library yesterday (VERY small. It was just my sister, me, and 3 other people) and I had a nice enough time.
Also this morning I got an email from NaNoWriMo (I've been getting emails from them ever since I joined and gave up in 2009) that said there would be a "kick-off NaNo" party at our Barnes & Noble. Up until now, I hadn't even considered spending November to work on a 50,000 word novel, but I really wanted to make friends with other writers, so I went to B&N anyway. There were about a dozen people who came. We all introduced ourselves and talked about the novels we intended to write, or had already written. Everyone was slightly shy, but extremely friendly and imaginative. I suppose that's a pretty universal trait of a writer. Creative minds living inside un-assuming exteriors...
Because of this little meeting, I rejoined the website and have been having fun visiting the forums on this lazy Sunday. I'm still debating in my mind whether I want to actually go the whole 50,000 word hog, or simply resolve to be a better writer this month... Well, those words sure aren't going to write themselves.